Tag - workshop

Virtual Workshop: Supercharge your business with ChatGPT and AI

Boost your revenue, skyrocket your profits, and reclaim precious time with the power of Chat GPT and AI! Join BBB and renowned business expert Teri R. Moten, MBA, also known as Your Business Problem Solver, for an exclusive presentation: "Supercharge Your Business in Minutes: Unleash Chat GPT and AI for Explosive Growth!" Discover how AI can revolutionize your business: ✅ Personalize customer interactions and enhance experiences ✅ Generate leads and supercharge marketing campaigns ✅ Streamline tasks, automate processes, and save time Real-life case studies and success stories will leave you inspired and ready to implement winning strategies. Don't let your competitors leave you in the dust....

SCORE Fort Worth Offering 2 Spanish Language Workshops on October 26th

ARE YOU A HISPANIC THAT DREAM OF STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS BUT DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START AND ENGLISH IS NOT YOUR PRIMARY LANGUAGE?  SCORE Fort Worth is offering two workshops for the first time in Spanish for persons that are that are thinking of starting up their own businesses or are established small business owners. One workshop is called: Sabe Lo Que Se Necesita Para Empezar un Negocio?  The other is called: Como Escribir un Plan de Negocio Efectivo”. We will be presenting them on October 26 in our main training room in downtown Fort Worth at the James. E. Guinn Complex in the...