Tag - womeninbusiness

International Women’s Day: Tackling the Masks Women Wear When Included

Join us on International Women’s Day as we discuss how we as women can #InspireInclusion in all aspects of our lives. For women, being included and having the opportunity to have a seat at the table is huge. As our world evolves, opportunities for women have increased. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. When women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. When we take our place at the table, the question is: how do we feel and act when we are there? This...

February WomenRISE: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Silencing Self-doubt

Join us for our February WomenRISE: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Silencing Self-doubt with MiShon Landry, Inclusive Leadership Institute | Culture Consultants. Despite outstanding achievements, huge promotions, and academic expertise, highly accomplished women and men often find themselves struggling with a troublesome feeling that they will be 'found out' or exposed as a fraud. Imposter syndrome is the internal doubt that one's success is merely a matter of luck, timing, charisma, or even accidental. Those who suffer from this nagging voice often feel as though they have somehow managed to slip through the cracks undetected and that it is just a matter of time...