Eclipsing Expectations: DFW Startups/Small Businesses Benefit from Celestial Craze

On a slightly cloudy Monday afternoon on April 8th, 2024, the bustling life of DFW came to a momentary standstill as residents and visitors alike lifted their gazes skyward. The cause for this pause? A spectacular solar eclipse.

Such celestial events are relatively rare, occurring approximately every 18 months and often over remote regions. Notably, the 2024 eclipse marks the first such event to traverse the United States since 2017 and an even rarer occasion for Texas, finding itself directly in the path of totality for the first time since 1878.

The 2024 eclipse has reignited the public’s fascination, much like its predecessor in 2017. The anticipation has sparked a booking frenzy, with hotels and AirBnB’s booked solid for months as millions prepare to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon. Economic analysts at The Perryman Group estimate the eclipse could generate a staggering $1.4 billion in economic impact for Texas.

Capitalizing on the Eclipse

DFW, the largest Metroplex along the eclipse’s path, has seen significant benefits. Local businesses have seized the opportunity, rolling out limited-time offerings and experiences aimed at the influx of eclipse enthusiasts.

For instance, the Omni Fort Worth hosted an eclipse viewing party complete with themed snacks and cocktails. Meanwhile, Hotel Drover offered an exclusive chance to meet retired NASA astronaut Terry W. Virts, enhancing the celestial celebration.

DFW’s Rich History with Major Events

The eclipse is just the latest in a series of major events that have drawn visitors to DFW. Annually, the State Fair of Texas attracts over 2 million visitors. Super Bowl XLV, hosted in Arlington, generated approximately $600 million in 2011, as reported by the Dallas Morning News. More recently, the Texas Rangers’ World Series run and the celebratory parade have drawn millions to Arlington.

Looking to the Future

Post-eclipse, DFW businesses can look forward to even more high-profile events. Notably, Dallas is set to be a primary host city for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, slated to host a leading nine games. The international scope of this event positions it to potentially exceed the economic impacts of the Super Bowl.

As Fort Worth’s event calendar continues to expand, new opportunities for local businesses will undoubtedly arise, catering to both tourists and the community. Sign up for the Visit Fort Worth newsletter to keep up on all the Fort Worth happenings, things to see and great places to eat and visit. 


About the Author

Andrew Holden, TCU Student and Sparkyard Intern

Andrew Holden

Andrew Holden is a student intern for Andrew is a junior at Texas Christian University, pursuing a dual degree in Finance and Accounting at the Neeley School of Business.




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