After a two-year hiatus, 1 Million Cups (1MC) has made a triumphant return to Fort Worth as of late February. Initially launched in Kansas City in 2012, 1 Million Cups has evolved into a staple Wednesday event across the nation, where communities come together to support emerging startups and thriving businesses. The revival of these cost-free, dynamic gatherings in Fort Worth marks a significant rejuvenation of the local entrepreneurial scene, showing a strong recovery in the post-pandemic era.
The reboot of 1 Million Cups in Fort Worth creates a supportive and inclusive environment where entrepreneurs and community members can unite to navigate business challenges and uncover new opportunities—all over a million cups of coffee. The events are a crucible for crucial exchanges of ideas and mutual support.
Create FW, located in the vibrant Near Southside, is the new venue for these weekly meetings. Managed by The DEC Network, Create FW is a coworking space and entrepreneurial hub. Previously, Ensemble Coworking hosted for six years and Accelerate Fort Worth for two.
Mark Doyle, a familiar face in the Fort Worth entrepreneurial ecosystem, has returned to the area and taken on the role of an organizer. “With the return of 1MC to Fort Worth, I’m excited to once again be part of organizing these events. It’s thrilling to witness and support the incredible developments among local entrepreneurs firsthand,” he said.
Each session features two businesses that pitch their concepts for six minutes, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session. Entrepreneurs are drawn to present for multiple reasons:
- Hone your presentation skills and elevator pitch.
- Join a community that offers support, including coaching from 1MC organizers.
- Re-present your business in another city or after substantial updates.
- Receive insightful feedback from a diverse audience.
- Explore potential exposure to new markets and individuals.
- Gain the chance for local, regional, or even national media coverage.
The community is warmly invited to engage in these weekly discussions that cultivate entrepreneurship and contribute to an economy that benefits all. Each meeting is led by dedicated local entrepreneurs who volunteer their time and resources.
To participate in the next 1 Million Cups Fort Worth event, for more details, or to present at a future session, visit the 1 Million Cups Fort Worth website. Meetings take place at 9 AM every Wednesday at 400 Bryan Avenue.
1 Million Cups has multiple chapters throughout the metroplex, including 1MC NE Tarrant County, Frisco, Irving, and Dallas. Participants are welcome to attend and present at any chapter they choose. Follow @1mcfw on Instagram and 1 Million Cups Fort Worth on Facebook.
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